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Nazi Mitch
Mitch in Bread's Crumbs 3: Scrub Slam (2016)

Portrayed By

Mitchell Patterson




The Biggest Fish of Them All

Bread's Crumbs 2: Electric Boogaloo

The Conundrum Dimension (archival audio/mentioned)

Bread's Crumbs 3: Scrub Slam



Nazi Mitch was an antagonist in the Bread's Crumbs Cinematic Universe. He sometimes went by his birth name, Mitchell Krauthammer Mannteufel. A sinister member of the U.B.N.V.A., Mitch fought in World War II and genetically modified his body so it wouldn't age. He eventually allied with Bread Nelson and helped him lead his organization. Over many years, Mitch faced conflicts with Colonel Crunch and John Bacchus, the latter of whom betrayed his allies - which would eventually allow Mitch to claim The Crumbs and gain ultimate power. Lord Tyresius managed to reunite The Clan, and together they destroyed Nazi Mitch. 

Mitch made his debut as the main villain in The Biggest Fish of Them All, the series' first interquel, and he later served as the secondary antagonist in Bread's Crumbs 2: Electric Boogaloo. Mitch would then become the main antagonist of Bread's Crumbs 3: Scrub Slam. Nazi Mitch was portrayed by Mitchell Patterson


During World War II, Nazi Mitch had two American soldiers - Colonel Crunch and another soldier - captured and used in various medical experiments. One such experiment involved the other soldier's DNA being combined with Colonel Crunch's DNA to see if a clone could be made - setting in motion the experiments that would create Jumpa X. Ultimately, the two were genetically modified so they wouldn't show or feel age. Both soldiers would escape, and shortly after Nazi Mitch had himself genetically modified so he wouldn't age. 

Many years later, Mitch joined the U.B.N.V.A., an alliance of villains whose main goal is to claim an ancient and powerful artifact - The Crumbs. 

The Biggest Fish of Them All

Shortly after the events of the first film, John Bacchus went on a vacation with Sandy Sandler. During the vacation, Sandy receives a vision of future events via a mutated eye that grew off Bacchus' face. Sandy explains that they must battle a Nazi and continue their journey in Portugal. At that moment, the two are ambushed by Nazi Mitch; he fights Bacchus and kidnaps Sandy. 

Bacchus goes off to rescue Sandy, who has been taken to Portugal by Nazi Mitch. In the jungle, Bacchus comes across a river underneath over a road. Mitch confronts Bacchus and holds Sandy hostage, while also demanding Bacchus' eye. Bacchus tricks Mitch and fights him, with the two scuffling on the road. Eventually Bacchus retrieves Mitch's plasma blaster and incapacitates him with it. As Bacchus and Sandy rejoice, they find that Mitch has escaped. 

Bread's Crumbs 2: Electric Boogaloo

Nazi Mitch strikes a deal with the formidable Biscuit Savage in a bid to find The Crumbs and claim its destructive powers. As Savage sets up a scheme to attack The Clan, he calls Nazi Mitch and makes sure he's ready for their attack. Mitch remains in the U.B.N.V.A. headquarters while Biscuit Savage attacks The Clan and kills Glen Tennis. The Clan goes to Mekron Woods to retrieve The Crumbs. While there, Mitch traps Colonel and Corporal Crunch in the Conundrum Dimension, and shortly after he attacks Flynt Coal, who has found The Crumbs. Mitch steals the artifact and retreats. 

Mitch meets with Biscuit Savage at the Bread Bungalow, where he agreed to give Savage the artifact. Mitch proudly unveils The Crumbs, and as he hands it over, he drops it to the ground. Savage bends over to pick it up, but is punched by Mitch and falls over. Mitch proclaims his intention to create a Fourth Reich using The Crumbs, which angers Savage, who strangles Mitch. Mitch drops the artifact, unbeknownst to Savage who demands he hands it over. Mitch instead gives him one of the Fake Crumbs, a duplicate of the real artifact that has corruptive energies inside. Savage accepts the false artifact, believing it to be real, and departs. As he walks off, Mitch stares at Savage sinisterly. 

That afternoon, Savage would consume the Fake Crumbs - resulting in him being sent to the Conundrum Dimension. 

The Conundrum Dimension

In Portugal, bounty hunter Bjorn Alvarez called Nazi Mitch, stating that he has the portal to the Conundrum Dimension. This displeases Mitch, who is then told that he'll get the portal if he pays Bjorn. Ultimately, Mitch never gets the portal; Bjorn betrays him and sides with John Bacchus, and everyone Mitch trapped in the dimension is freed. 

Bread's Crumbs 3: Scrub Slam

Nazi Mitch has assumed command as the leader of the U.B.N.V.A., succeeding Bread Nelson in the role. After John Bacchus goes mad in his quest to claim The Crumbs, he goes to Torture Wobbler Church. While there, he calls Mitch, much to his surprise. Bacchus explains that in Portugal, he learned of a spear capable of harnessing the artifact's power. Bacchus has obtained the spear at the church, and sends a selfie to Mitch to prove it. Mitch initially believes Bacchus wants to ally with him, but Bacchus swiftly denies this. However, he does say that "the rain" will soon fall, and cleanse the streets of the scum - The Clan. Bacchus tells Mitch that unlike The Clan, he wants to claim the artifact's power, while his former allies only wish to preserve it. Mitch warns Bacchus that he's still after the artifact, to which Bacchus says that he's not opposing or allying with Mitch. Instead, he issues a warning, telling Mitch to stay out of his way. 

Sometime later, Mitch receives a phone call from Bread Nelson, who is infuriated after hearing The Crumbs were stolen. Initially, Mitch falsely states that The Clan raided the headquarters and took The Crumbs - Nelson orders Mitch to tell him the truth, and Mitch says that some "Communist nobody" took the artifact. Nelson tells Mitch that he stands no chance at winning, and Mitch argues that Nelson left him alone to manage the entire U.B.N.V.A. - Mitch says that his time spent trusting Nelson was wasted, and he decrees to claim the artifact and prove Nelson's weakness. Nelson is indifferent towards Mitch's feelings; he calls him an adulterer and a simple farmer, and tells him to leave.

Nazi Mitch convinced Rasputin to sign a non-aggression pact so they can work together to unleash The Crumbs's power. Rasputin meets with Mitch, having just used Tea-Eee and Flynt Coal to obtain The Crumbs and the spear. After knocking out Flynt, Rasputin tosses Tea-Eee to Nazi Mitch. He fumbles around with the alien, struggling to put it in a trash can before throwing it down the hallway. Mitch presents the pact to Rasputin, who agrees with the document's terms. He presents Rasputin with a pen, and despite wanting Mitch to sign first, Rasputin writes his name on the document. When he returns it, Mitch realizes that Rasputin signed his name in the wrong spot. Mitch is disgusted by Rasputin's incompetence, although Rasputin doesn't seem to care. Angered, Mitch rolls across the table, knocks Rasputin unconscious, and claims the spear and the artifact. 

After The Clan fights Bacchus, who is ultimately killed by Biscuit Savage, Nazi Mitch confronts the group in a nearby tennis court. Mitch remarks that The Clan seems overconfident, and Savage tells him that they have unfinished business. Moments later, Mitch takes the spear and stabs the artifact with it. At that moment, it begins to rain, and Mitch runs the spear into his stomach - allowing him the full power of the artifact. The Clan is horrified as Mitch teleports them, along with many of their allies, to an overhangar. Mitch proclaims himself as "the biggest fish of them all", and he shoots searing lightning bolts at The Clan - with that commences Blitzkrieg, or "lightning war". Mitch's adversaries are swiftly overwhelmed and lie on the ground writhing around in pain. Eventually, Lord Tyresius harnesses the power of The Crumbs and turns it against Mitch by creating a force field to block his lightning. The Clan and the Bacchus Brotherhood unite against Mitch, who does all he can to hold up against them. Eventually, Mitch's lightning bolts are reflected back at him, and he is ultimately killed by the excessive amounts of energy. 

As a result of Nazi Mitch's death, the energy of The Crumbs is scattered all over, and no longer contained within the artifact. 
